Week 20 – Local Food Hero

As we slide into the last couple weeks of the main CSA season, we want to thank you for joining us this year for Community Supported Agriculture. There are two more weeks in the regular season, with the last pickup being on Tuesday October 19th.

We hope you tried some new veggies, ate more veggies, and maybe even found some new favorites.

For our small farm, CSA means that we have a community of supporters that are alongside of us through the ups and downs of a growing season. Your CSA box has a banner printed on the top that says “Local Food Hero” and we really mean that. CSA members are my heroes- this is certainly not a typical way to buy your groceries, and we thank you for pushing yourself to do it this way. We know it’s a fair amount on sacrifice and commitment to dive hardcore into seasonal eating and to chop, preserve, compost, wash, and COOK and EAT all those fresh veggies! 

We believe that CSA is an important and foundational part of of a more sustainable, equitable, healthy, and functioning food and agriculture system and YOU are a core partner that makes it work.

We hope to have the signups open in a few days for the optional 4 week CSA extension. We will continue weekly pickups every week until the week before Thanksgiving. Stay tuned to sign up! Whether you’re joining us for the fall or taking a break, we appreciate your commitment to our farm this year.



Roasted Radishes and Salad Turnips with Pesto: Pesto is a great way to make use of all those extra greens that are coming on: carrot tops, turnip and radish tops. My favorite additions to the greens are garlic, lemon juice, some kind of seed or nut (walnut, pepitas, pine nut) and parmesan and olive oil.

Komatsuna with Creamy Polenta (or as I call them….grits)

Braised Turnips with Fresh Sage

Komatsuna Greens in Ginger Almost Miso Sauce

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