How to Cook: Chicken Wings

Thank you to our guest bloggers this week: longtime CSA members Tori and Andy!

This year has been exciting because of the newest offerings from Rootbound: chicken wings! Well, to be clear, Rootbound offers more options for chicken, but our family is especially a fan of the wings. They have always been a staple in our house, and now having the option to buy them from Rootbound (farmers we trust), and add them on to our CSA, has been a huge bonus. We love chicken wings because they are versatile. You can season them in a multitude of ways, you can dip them, add them to a salad, or just have them for a snack. Today, we’ll share with you a simple, and delicious recipe for cooking wings, as well as some ideas for sauces (if you like sauced wings).

A good amount of research, and taste tests, went into this post. We wanted the recipe and method to be easy, yet tasty. At the beginning of the pandemic we bought an airfryer (like a lot of people), and it’s been fun to use. We’ve successfully cooked wings in the air fryer, but ultimately, we had the best outcomes with the traditional oven method. The recipe below is perfect. The chicken falls off the bone, isn’t dry, and has the right amount of crisp. Even our littlest picky eater will sit down for these wings, and eat an adult-sized portion. Let us know what you think, and if you have a favorite sauce recipe!

Simple Baked Chicken Wing Recipe

Quick tip: we subbed half the paprika for smoked paprika, and it was even better!

A couple of our favorite sauces are teriyaki and buffalo. For each of these we recommend the following ingredients. There’s no real recipe, you have to play with it to find the combo you like best.

Buffalo includes: Duke’s mayonnaise, Noble Made Medium Buffalo, and Valentina hot sauce.

Teriyaki includes: black vinegar, Trader Joe’s Island Soyaki, Trader Joe’s Spicy Honey Sauce, and from Momofuku: chili crunch, tamari, and toasted sesame oil.



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